Starting with live maps :
URL : ""
It works well for India compared to others as directions for Indian states are easily located. One of the advatages was the arial view which it provided. Also business locations can be searched. Draggable maps are there which is a geat plus point. I tried for the direction from Agra to New Delhi and following was the result.

Then I checked out the google maps which are a hot stuff now a days.
URL: ""
It had almost all the features as livemaps except that it doesn't yet support direction finding for Indian states. I tried the for the direction from New York to New Jersey and this was what I got.
Then finally I tried out the msn maps.
URL : ""
It was although impressive but lagged some features like draggable maps. I tried for direction between Arizona and california and this was what I got.
So from next time you go out on a trip make sure you carry a laptop and make use of the above stated direction finding maps to reach your destination with ease.