As people have rapidly started switching over to the laptops from their traditioal desktop PC's, the need for having an internet connection that travels with you is rapidly becoming a necessity.
Thankfully many compaies are trying to take advantage of this situation, thereby simplyfying our lives. There are data cards available in the market that can be connected to the laptop or the PC.
Basically, the companies have introduced this technology using two media. First is the data card which can be inserted in the card slot embedded in your laptop. A picture of it is shown below.

- They cannot used on every laptop as not every laptop has such ports in them.
- They obviously cannot be used on a desktop PC unless you have bought an external such card reader.
The alternative to this is the USB modem which has been launched necessarily to overcome the above weaknesses. The USB modem is simply inserted in the USB port of your laptop or desktop PC. A USB modem is shown below:

But with this advantage of internet on the go you have to bear with the slow speed these tools offer. They offer a speed of around 144kbps, but one is able to get a speed of around 50kbps only. But this downside of these tools sure is overpowered by the mobility it provides to the internet connection.
These cards can be purchased for anything arount 2500-3000 bucks plus the monthly tarrifs. Providers for these technologies now a days include : Airtel, Reliance, Tata Indicom and so on. So the next time you go out on a long trip you don't have to worry about the availability of the cyber cafe.
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